During World Breast Feeding Week; August 1-7, 2009 BabyBaby will be taking nominations for worthy organisations to receive one of our Breast Feeding Pillows.
You may nominate any organisation who you think would benefit from receiving our breast feeding pillow. It may be the maternity ward who helped you with breast feeding, your midwifery centre, your local plunket or La Leache League; any organisation you think worthy and who will put the feeding pillow to good use.
To nominate leave us a comment on this blog with the name of your chosen organisation or nominate online here. or on our face book page.
Entries will close at midnight on August 7, 2009.
The winner will be announced on August 8, 2009 and will be randomly chosen from all nominations.
For those of you who are embarrassed to breast feed in public check this out from our friends at Belly Beyond.
Don't forget to sign up at The Big Latch on happening this Friday New Zealand wide.
Congratulations to Oxford Play Centre who won our Breast Feeding Pillow.